" Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Understanding the TCM:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has diagnosed, treated, and prevented ailments for over twenty centuries. While it can remedy ailments and change the state of mind, Chinese medicine can also enhance recuperative power, immunity, and the capacity for pleasure, work, and creativity. Within Chinese cosmology, each human is seen as a world in miniature, a garden in which doctors and patients together strive to cultivate health. Every person has a unique terrain to be mapped, a resilient yet sensitive ecology to be maintained. Like a gardener uses irrigation and compost to grow robust plants, the doctor uses Acupuncture, Herbs, and Food to recover and sustain health. 

Herbs assist the organ networks in the performance of their tasks. Particular herbs enhance the capacity of the heart to propel blood and soothe the mind, the-spleen to manage respiration and body’s defence the liver to maintain resilient emotions, metabolic processes and supply limbs and kidneys to sustain the soul and regenerative power. Some herbal formulas address ailments such as colds, allergies, inflammations, or craps until effective and immediate results, while others are usually combined in formulas to enhance their efficacy. Signs and symptoms are matched with therapeutic effects, reflecting the particular conditions and needs of each patient. Tonic formulas restore eroded body resources and etc. Chinese medicine can protect and preserve our health day by day. 

It is often difficult to “sell” people on health. In order to be healthy, it takes commitment, the reward is often difficult to know or feel. It is usually not until the body fails us in some manner that we realize that we have not taken care of it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The first wealth is health”.

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