" Tiens / Tianshi Food Supplements

Tiens / Tianshi Food Supplements

Why the need to supplement your diet ?

It’s estimated that the world over, only 2-6% of individuals consume a well balanced diet. Secondly, the foods that we eat lose their nutritional value in many ways, e.g. Genetic Engineering with its emphasis on quantitative rather than quality, together with the rampant consumption of processed products as opposed to fresh supplies, leaves many with major micro-nutrient deficiencies e.g. Iron, zinc. Vitamin etc. these couples with infrequent, haphazard food intake with poor methods of preparation and storage, further emphasize the need for carefully formulated supplements to hormonally and metabolically rejuvenate our bodies.

Lists of important Tiens /Tianshi Food Supplement:

Click on the product of your choice for more detail information:

مزید تفصیل کے لئے اپنی پسند کی پروڈکٹ پر کلک کریں

1.  Tiens Nutrient Super Calcium Powder (CA-1)

2.  TIENS Super Calcium Powder with Metabolic Factors(CA-2)

3.  TIENS Nutrient Supper Calcium Powder for Children (CA-3)

4.  TIENS Super Calcium Capsules with Lecithin (CA-4)

5.  TIENS Chewable Calcium Tablets

7.  TIENS Cell Rejuvenation Capsules

8.  TIENS Cordyceps Capsules

9.  TIENS Zinc Capsules

10. TIENS Lipid Metabolic Management Tea

11. TIENS Galaxs Capsules

12. TIENS Spirulina Capsules

13. TIENS Gymnema Tablets

14. TIENS Grape Extract Capsules

15. TIENS Cordycafe

16. TIENS Glucosamine Food Supplement

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