" Tiens / Tianshi Vitaline Softgel -- a whole body whitening supplements

Tiens / Tianshi Vitaline Softgel -- a whole body whitening supplements

Tianshi Vitaline Softgel is a whole-body whitening supplement. It is made from selected herbal ingredients and is safe to use. Tiens Vitaline Softgel is a quite a powerful and effective supplement to make your skin whiter and glowing in a short time. It provides double enlightenment, namely naturally bright and radiant, without going through the chemical peeling process and micro-dermabrasion. 

Tianshi Vitaline Softgel even helps reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone in a short time, so your skin will look brighter and glowing. 

Content of Tianshi Vitaline Softgel:

1. Wheat Sprout Oil. 

It is the main ingredient in making the Tianshi Vitaline Softgel. It is efficacious to make the skin healthier, and reduce fat deposits with the risk of clogging blood vessels. Not only that, Wheat Sprout Oil also acts as an antiaging and antioxidant. 

2. Lecithin.

This ingredient has the most important content in the formation of nerve tissue and body cells. You could say that there are about 30% of the weight of the brain's nerves and 70-80% of the body's cell weight is filled with Lecithin. 

3. Beta Carotene. 

It is useful as the best antioxidant substance that will work to ward off free radicals in the body.


The Tianshi Vitaline Softgel has been registered in BPOM, Indonesia which indicates this Tiens product are truly safe products and have passed the product feasibility test. Vitaline Softgel also has a halal certificate from MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia), Indonesia because it is in accordance with product halal standards.

Benefits of Tianshi Vitaline Softgel

As a Natural Whitening Free of Side Effects:

  1. Brighten and whiten facial skin.
  2. Prevent premature aging.
  3. Prevents the appearance of black spots, wrinkles, and acne on the face.
  4. Treat stubborn acne.
  5. Smoothen the skin texture and appearance.
  6. Increase skin elasticity and moisture.
  7. Keeps the skin soft 
  8. Disguises scars

Tianshi Vitaline Softgel for Eye Health.

  1. Good for eye health Increase oxygen supply.
  2. Nourish the eyes.
  3. Increase body immunity. 
  4. Promotes oxygen transport in the body.
  5. Increase body stamina

Tianshi Vitaline Softgel for Pregnant Women:

  1. Increase hormones in female reproduction.
  2. Increase the intelligence of the fetus in the womb.
  3. Helping the arrangement of cells in the fetal brain.
  4. Prevent high blood pressure.
  5. Prevent Scars (lines) after pregnancy. 
  6. Smooth the skin after giving birth.
  7. Increase brain power for newborns.

One-Page Image Presentation:

Usage of Tianshi Vitaline Softgel:

The correct way to use Vitaline Softgel to whiten the body is to consume 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with warm water before and after meals. 

To get optimal results Vitaline Softgel can be used as a face mask so that it can nourish your skin from the outside. 

How to use the Tianshi Vitaline Softgel Mask:

Mix 1-2 capsules in warm water. Stir to mix well, then apply evenly to your skin. Let keep it for 10-15 minutes before finally cleaning it with warm water. 

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